Dear Bitget users,
We want happy memories to appear in the minds of those receiving your inheritance,
As our community’s request ,we will launching the Bitget 🎃 HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY
All participants will get 5USDT with 3 simple steps as below
How to Participate ?
1.Following Bitget official Twitter as below:
2.Like and Retweet share to 3 Friends
3.Send your Bitget profit poster (example as below)with you UID into Bitget Telegram group
Period:00:00 31 Oct,2020–23:59 2 Nov 2020(UTC+8)
Terms & Conditions
1.Trading bonus can be used as deposit to trade, expenses, deduct handling fees and transaction fee.
2.Rewards distribution: The trading bonus rewards will be distribute after the competition and completing data statistics.
3.The trading bonus does not allow to withdrawal.Any transfer and withdrawal of funds will cause the trading bonus suspended.
4. Bitget reserves the right to disqualify trades that are deemed to be wash trades, illegal bulk account registrations, self-dealing, or display attributes of market manipulation, etc.
5. Bitget reserves the right to cancel or amend any Activity or Activity Rules at our sole discretion.
Thank you,
Bitget Team
Oct 27 2020
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